To the girl who created the "grumpy" poll...

THANK YOU!!!! Ever since I saw the results of your poll, I feel less alone in the pure rage I've been feeling.

This is my third pregnancy and I've never felt this hormonal and angry. My poor poor husband has had to deal with this too. I made a sexual joke over text and he said he would leave work right away to come home (it has been a longggg time) and I told him it was a joke. He joked back about how the second trimester sexual surge was bullshit (my first two I couldn't get enough of him around this time). I replied with I'm not horny I'm homicidal 😂😂

I'm not one to post, really on her or social media, but honestly I just want to pick a fight and an argument with everyone.

Someone please tell me it gets better, even before having the baby.