Always exhausted

Any other mama's always feel so exhausted?

I find, no matter how much sleep I get, i am always tired.

I'm not sure if it's physically or emotionally that is making me so exhausted.

My little guy is a busy one, he's always on the move which means so is mama. I am a fairly active person though, I workout 4-5 days a week (weightlift) so I'm used to being physically sore.

However, I'm wondering if it's the emotional rollercoaster that motherhood is that is making me exhausted.

My emotions are so heightened (thanks hormones) which I think is causing me to be drained.

Wondering if any of you mama's are feeling the same way. I know my anxiety can get the best of me, I'm always worried, overwhelmed and overthinking. Always wondering if I could be a better mom, should I be doing this or that instead.

I'm still breastfeeding exclusively so my hormones are very sensitive to change.