Where to go from here

My first baby- first loss at 5 weeks

Experiencing my first miscarriage currently, I was told when I was 19 I might never have children due to thyroid problems but found out my thyroid levels are stable now, I’m now 27. I recently found out I was pregnant. I wasn’t feeling great and didn’t feel right so I checked and turned out I was very late I did some tests and they came back faint I was confused so I went to doctor this passing Monday and had some bloods done to confirm.

Got a call Wednesday saying my results were in and to come in, that day I experienced extremely sharp pain from one side of my lower abdomen to the other followed by pink spotting whilst I was at work the bleeding got heavier as the day went on followed by clots, I didn’t think anything of it Jsut thought it was my cycle starting. Went to doctors after work she proceeded to tell me I was 5 weeks pregnant going off my the hcg levels. I started crying and told her I’ve been having bad pains on one side and heavy bleeding she sent me to the ED.

They ran more bloods they came back with a even lower hcg level, they did a ultrasound and a internal ultrasound to find nothing :( turns out I had a miscarriage :( I had a follow up with my doctor today she wants me to have more blood work done and another ultrasound to make sure everything is alright after it all.

This one has really hit me hard considering I was told I might never have children and to fall pregnant and find out I was definitely pregnant and to loose it the same day has completely ruined me. I don’t know where to go from here!? What are my chances getting pregnant again? Will I miscarry again? Any advice ????

Thank you in advance