Grandma is Spoiling Her

Jessica • Wife, Mother, & Working Mom

My oldest is 6 years old and she is extremely close to her grandma. Because of this we let her go to her house typically every other weekend. I know that’s a lot but if it were up to her she would go every single weekend so we’ve tried to meet her in the middle about it.

I don’t have a problem with her going that often because her grandma is amazing BUT her grandma does spoil her a lot. She buys her new things every weekend, takes her to a nail salon, takes her out to eat, etc. It’s caused my daughter to have extremely high expectations of me and dad when she’s home.

She told me that it’s unfair that me and dad don’t do all the stuff for her that her grandma does. I told her that as her parents it isn’t our job to give her everything she wants but instead to make sure she grows up to be a good, responsible person. I know she probably doesn’t understand that but it was the only kind response I could come up with in the moment.

Every time my husband and I have an idea for something fun to do or get her Grandma normally beats us to it. Grandma takes her to see all the new movies and buys her everything she wants/needs. We have spoken to her Grandma on a few occasions about some of this stuff but we don’t push too hard because we know we can’t tell her how to spend her own money.

She also keeps the practical clothes we send our daughter in and sends her home in things that aren’t practical for a little girl or for school. She dresses her like an adult and we end up having to go over there to gather all of our daughters clothes. I try to send her in stuff that grandma sends but it doesn’t always work out that way.

It’s just really frustrating and I don’t know what to do other than stop allowing her to go over there so much. I don’t want to do that though because I know it will break my daughters heart.