My birthing story- not a fairytale


So Monday the 27 I went to my OB appt and was told my cervix was closed. I had slightly elevated BP, but nurse and doc didn’t say anything. I went home with another appt for the the following Monday. About an hour later my doctor calls to tell me to go to the hospital for preeclampsia monitoring(this is the 4th time I’ve had to do this, the prior 3 times were 2 weeks prior). Well even though my BP was good, my labs came back with higher protein, so my doc decides to induce me that evening. The hospital couldn’t fit me in until 3am on Tues. So my husband and I take our things and think we’re having a baby today. I get to the hospital and they start my induction with cervidil at 5am. After a full day with only 2 centimeters progression, the doctor uses the balloon to try and speed things