Birth story


My boy Ashby Barrett 💙

Born 1/27/2020 at 39+6 weeks

My water broke 1/26 while walking on the treadmill around 2pm. I felt a contraction which usually made me pee myself a little but this was not little it just gushed out. But i convinced myself it was too good to be true and kept walking. started having some contractions but still wasn’t fully convinced. I bounced on my ball, took a shower and then had some bloody mucus and fluid so I decided to go to L&D to get checked around 4pm.

I got there and told the nurse I felt silly and didn’t even take my bra off because I just knew we were leaving. But she did the check and sure enough, my water had broken- atleast partially. I cried my eyes out i just couldn’t believe all the hard work i put into going into labor naturally worked. We were admitted and they wanted to start pitocin right away and I said no that I wanted to labor on my own first and if things didn’t progress I’d take the pitocin. My dr was also out until Monday morning so i felt no need to rush. I labored walking around and Around 1130pm I heard a “pop” and fluid came rushing out and I knew that was my water again. After that things escalated quickly. Contractions were horrible. I walked and tried but around 630am I got the epidural and took the pitocin to make sure I kept progressing. I didn’t even care how dilated I was I just couldn’t take the pain anymore. I seriously underestimated labor pain. My dr also had two scheduled surgeries at a different hospital that morning and told me she’d try to time my delivery between them 😬 so they actually tried to slow my progression. After the epidural it was smooth sailing until delivery at 113pm on 1/27. I was beyond ready to give birth and the nurses said basically whatever dr makes it first will deliver. Luckily it was my dr.

I pushed for less than 5 minutes and he was out. All 8 lbs 6 oz of him 💙 with no tear! As a FTM me and my dr we’re both shocked by that and how big he was.

I just love him more than anything and was worth all the pain 💙