How would you feel?

So my brothers girlfriend just had their baby last night, she ended up having him without any medication due to dilating too quickly. So anyway, this morning they take a “family photo” keep in mind this woman just pushed out a 7lb 7oz baby, out of her coochie, unmedicated and still manages to smile and look genuinely happy BUT my brother looks absolutely miserable. His excuse was “I didn’t get any sleep” motherfucker neither did his girlfriend and she still looks genuine!!!

I brought it up to my dad and he also excused it with “he’s just tired” but he also has a 2 year old daughter, and in every single photo with her, again he looks miserable.

Personally, I would be absolutely embarrassed if my SO was posting photos with his children and looked that upset. It’s like he can’t even be bothered to even crack a smile.

Would you be upset if your SO couldn’t take a happy picture with his child(ren)?

They’re only babies for so long, so what happens when these kids look back and start asking why daddy looks upset?