Anyone TTC already?

Kelsiann • Mama to 3 under 3 • Elyse, Nolan, & Jesse 💛

This is our first month of not not trying.. If that makes sense lol. “having fun” not “being safe”


I’m nervous to go back to my midwife 😅 She’s strict & at my last appointment with her she kept saying “we always recommend waiting to get pregnant for 18 months” over & over again. & one time I had to go in to test for a UTI when my babe was 3 months. They had me pee in a cup, she caught me in the hallway & saw what I was doing. it was so awkward. it looked like she was disappointed in me!!

Lol. I’m not really that nervous, I’m a grown up I can do what I want. I just know she’s going to give me a hard time! She’s an amazing midwife I loved having her my entire pregnancy but my check ups after birth she was very adamant she wanted me to wait.

Anyone else have a similar situation with their doctor/midwife?

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