waiting.... 🕰⏳⏳


so far this cycle everything is lining up beautifully. wait til y’all hear this.

i’ve always had dreams of things that hadn’t happened yet. whether it’s major or not. i had a dream my ex was with another girl & he actually was that night. i had a dream i was standing in my friends kitchen washing my hands & a few weeks later i saw it happening. it’s not dejavu because i can remember the dream.

anyways. here’s the interesting part!

january 20ish - i have a dream that i’m looking at a positive digital pregnancy test that says “pregnant 4-5 weeks”

january 23 - period comes on so i thought that the dream was maybe a vision for my successful cycle. however... i think it was a vision & the test was telling me i’d be pregnant in 4-5 weeks, so feb 17-feb 24.

& on feb 17 i’ll be going to my yearly gynecologist appt & hopefully testing positive.

oh & feb 17 is also cd 26.

i was told 3 numbers - 13, 23, 26. 💛

i’m so excited & cant tell anyone else about this cus it sounds crazy but it’s not 😂😭💛