Cheating brother in law

Okay guys, I have no clue what to do right now. My husbands brother is here for his birthday, and he brought a girl over... not his fiancé. I absolutely love his fiancé to death and she’s an amazing girl, and I want to tell her he is cheating on her, but my husband says if I do it will just cause problems for us. He supports whatever his brother does. Brother and law and this random girl are now cuddling on my couch and I am fuming. I don’t want to cause a scene or start drama but I feel sooo bad for his fiancé and don’t know what to do. Should I tell her? Should I pull him aside and tell him this is bad news bears?


so I told my brother in law that he is a disgusting pig and to get the fuc$ out of my house, and that if he doesn’t tell his fiancé by tonight, I’m going to her house and telling her myself. Aparently this isn’t the first time he’s done this and I am just sick. His fiancé does everything for him, houses him, feeds him, clothes him, and this is how he treats her?! Not on my watch. My husband blew up at me and said his brother comes before me and it’s family first. (Thought me and our son were his family too, but whatever). My husband has cheated on me in the past, and this is just really showing his true colours. I’m so tired of them. I’m tired of his whole family. I’m taking my son to my mothers house and taking a break for awhile.