2BB embryo transfer successful stories

🌠 Nirmi 🌠 • 4 IUI ❌. 1st IVF cancelled. 2nd IVF ➡️ retreival + fresh transfer ➕ ➡️ anembryonic pregnancy. 3rd IVF retreival ➡️ 0 Blasts

Had my embryo transfer today. Not optimistic at all and very worried. Very Very sad and disappointed

So only 1 was at blastocyst and ready today and they transferred it today and it was grade 2BB which I read is a poor quality embryo ... I am so thinking bad and negative thoughts... any success stories with a 2BB ? In so much need for hope and successful stories and prayers

my other embryos are slow and they will try to grow them till tomorrow and call me to report on them.

Feeling very sad and disappointed. This is the second

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

... and I dont think I can handle more rounds emotionally nor financially !!!