was he lying should i be concerned?


ok ladies my boyfriend has never given me a reason not trust him but yesterday he told me after church he was going to help a friend move furniture. I checked snap maps to see if he made it and he was not at his friends house so I thought maybe they were picking up the couch from there and taking it back to his friends so I let it go. Then he calls me and tells me that he is coming back home to grab some clothes to spend the night at the friends house and i’m like okay cool. Well he left and I checked snap maps again to see if he made it and he was right back at the place he went to after church and was not at the friends house. I don’t know where he was and I didn’t want him to think I was psycho and stalking him but I finally told him I knew he wasn’t at his friends. He told me another friend called him asked what he was doing and decided to swing by I was like okay you could’ve just told me. Well the friend he said he went to see has snap maps on too and he was not even anywhere near where my boyfriend was. He was pissed at me for checking his location and acted super weird all day today. I don’t want to think he cheated on me because he has never even talked texted or anything another girl like that. I want to let it go but I know so much and feel like it’ll make him mad if I keep prying. Please help.