Just found out my friends husband is seeing another woman-do I tell her?



Me and my husband are friends with another couple that we recently met when we moved to a new state. We love them dearly and spend lots of time together! We all get along great and have so much fun. My husband just informed me that the other husband (I’ll call him Joe) is seeing a woman that goes to his gym. They have been on 2 dates but no confirmation if there has been sex or anything. She sends him pictures all the time (he showed my husband). I know it’s NONE of my business but I’d only hope that If the roles were reversed she would tell me. And also apparently this girl joe is seeing is some big Instagram fitness model down here and I’m praying that he gets caught on his own but now I’m so upset that I have this information bc it’s always going to be in the back of my head now whenever we are with them. Another option I was thinking was maybe anonymously tell her via social media? Is that crazy? Ughh what would you do?

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Posted at
I dont see how you could really continue your friendship with her and not tell her..because if you dont tell her, at some point you'll have to cover for him or lie for him. So for me the two choices would actually be to stop hanging out with them completely, or tell her.


Posted at
If you do not tell me something like that, you are NOT my friend.


Shruti • Feb 6, 2020


Jennifer • Feb 5, 2020
This ☝🏼.


Posted at
I would expose him. She deserves someone loyal and respectful


Posted at
If you were my friend & I was Joe's wofe:I would like you to tell me, but I would also need the proof, if he is my husband I wouldn't believe a "He said, she said" story, and if you can't show me proof, and as I would be loyal to my husband, I would have to tell him what you have said, and he will obviously deny it, would want proof that I have seen proof, because he can easily say "she is just jealous" he could probably manipulate/persuade me to think that you have been flirting with him, and so your just trying to wreck our marriage, so obviously a joint decision between me and my husband would be to cut you off. I wasn't married but this happened when I was with my ex, and that's exactly how the situation panned out, I eventually found out he was messaging other girls, and I felt like an idiot, he persuaded me to think it was my friend that was the problem, I have apologised and growled to her, 6 years later she still doesn't talk to me, and I really don't blame her.


Ashley • Feb 5, 2020
Perfect 👌 this is what should be done. Get proof.


Jem 🇬🇧 • Feb 3, 2020
I didn't growl at her I groveled 🤦‍♀️


Posted at
Why tf is your husband still friends with this guy. And why is his friend comfortable enough to share this info with him?


Al • Feb 6, 2020
More of a reason to tell her.


M. • Feb 6, 2020
That’s what I said to my husband too. It’s almost like he was ‘showing off’ and clearly doesn’t give 2 shits about what he’s doing which is even more disgusting


Al • Feb 6, 2020
Guys share their dirt with each other like a medal. Apparently this guys proud of adultry smfh


Posted at
Even if you tell her anonymously, her husband will figure out it was you. Unless he goes around telling his business to everybody. But yes, you should talk to your husband and decide together on how to tell her.


Mari Mar • Feb 3, 2020
That could work.


M. • Feb 3, 2020
I was thinking of telling her as ‘someone else from the gym’ and waiting a little while so joe won’t know it was me


Posted at
Message me I can send the stuff to her. If I were In her shoes I’d want to know. What if she gets pregnant by him? That’s another kid without a father in this world. Most men are such pigs, just why?


Posted at
I’m not sure why so many people are saying you need to gather proof before telling her. That’s not your job. All that needs to be said is that her husband admitted he was having an affair to your husband. What she does with that is her own prerogative. Anything more would be getting yourself into a mess that’s not yours to get into.


Posted at
Would I tell her?! Nope because my husband would beat me to it. Cheating to him is extremely vile. There would be no “I told you to stop” instead he’d end the friendship immediately. He doesn’t associate with cheaters as continuing a friendship with a pig like that reflects on his character. He’d then tell the wife right in front of her husband before he had any chance to delete the evidence.


Al • Feb 8, 2020
Lmaooo omg i dont understand how people could keep something like that a secret. Its awful in my opinion. I dont care who doesnt like me because of it, ive done it before and ill do it again if it means potentially saving somebody from a really screwed up situation.


Jan • Feb 8, 2020
your man isn’t the bad guy but is he really scared to get his ass beat for being a decent human being? lol tell him to take that beating like the decent good MAN he is 😂😂


Al • Feb 6, 2020
Yesss in the same way.


Posted at
I say you and your husband drop them. You don’t need that drama in your life. And it could start problems between you and your husband. Take a step back and make excuses. We’re busy. Not feeling well. It’s just “us” tonight. Or simply ignore them. TRUST ME!!!


Na • Feb 8, 2020
Boy do I have an update on the “friends” I mentioned. Turns out the swinging they did majorly back fired and she pulled a knife on his ass!! She was arrested for “attempted assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill”!!! She’s looking at 5 years in prison!!! My god!!


Na • Feb 6, 2020
The same thing happened with me and my husbands friends. We’ve known them a few years and they got the idea to start swinging. We let them know ahead of time it’s not our cup of tea but you do you boo boo. Flash forward to a few months later they got more confident. The husband made a pass at me and the wife made a pass at my husband. Unfortunately they work together and my husband ghosted him and told him to stay away from us. They crossed the line. Sometimes it’s best to cut the friendship off and go separate ways.


Brianna • Feb 5, 2020
Definitely the best advice. I always think the path to hell is paved with good intentions