Did anyone completely "know" they were having one gender and then when they found out it be the opposite?

AJS012 • #1👶💗 #2 👶💗 #3 on the way

Feel free to comment if your answer doesnt fit... I really feel like we are having a boy... but I really want a girl... but then something inside me keeps saying its gonna be a girl even though everyone is saying boy and I kinda think so... it's like my intuition is out of service 😂

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Me and my fiancé have a strong feeling it’s a boy, but we’re not finding out till I give birth so it’s going to be a while till we find out 😂😂


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I was 100 precent sure I was having a girl even though I wanted a boy (I would have been happy no matter what) anyways I was getting myself use to the idea of a girl and the ultrasound tech asked me what I thought, I said a girl. Her response was "well girls don't have one of those" lol. I was very excited and dead wrong I thought for sure it was a girl. I'm so happy with my little boy 💙😍 he's two now but I'll never forget that.


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I just knew I was having girl. I had a scan done at 18 weeks for some complications and the doctor told me I was having a boy. I was so shocked. Like everything in me was like 100% I’m having a girl no way it’s a boy. I had some genuine gender disappointment. I told myself not to buy anything until my anatomy scan just to be sure. So I was even more shocked at my 20 week anatomy scan when they told me the first doctor got it wrong and I really am having a girl.


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I'm 100% sure I'm having a baby boy! I'll hopefully be finding out this week, so we will see


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I knew I was having a boy, had a name and had my husband come up with an alternate, but had a freak out a week before the anatomy scan and absolutely had to come up with a girl’s name (who knows the mind of a pregnant woman🤷🏼‍♀️), just in case. He’s a boy. Second, I didn’t have the same strong feeling, but thought I’d have a girl. She’s a girl. Incidentally, I used my one and only girl’s name.


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With my first I wanted a girl but knew it was a boy, had a boy. This time I really wanted a girl but knew it would probably be another boy lol. She’s a girl! After my first early gender scan I couldn’t believe it and was like “watch they’re probably wrong and I’m gonna buy all this pink stuff for it to be a boy” she’s still a girl! I’m 36 weeks.


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I thought one was a boy and one was a girl, turned out both boys


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Had my son in July, knew he was a boy. Having a girl this time around and I knew. I felt different.


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I was right with my first, but for some reason had this strong hunch we were having a boy this go around and come anatomy scan time: they confirmed it was in fact another girl! I was wayyy off!!


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Both my boyfriend and I had a feeling we were having a girl. I wanted a girl as I already had her name picked out, but I would have been just as happy with a boy. As cliche as it sounds, I just wanted a healthy baby.