Due date issue..

So I have an appt booked for next week I'll be just over 11 weeks based off of my LMP.

I'm still nursing my 17m old and my cycles have been all over, ranging from 45 days to 30. On average, a tracking app I use says 37 days.

We had sex ONCE in december. So assuming ovulation was around then I'm more like 7weeks.

Uh that's a huge fucking jump. That's like an entire month difference. Am I supposed to add two weeks to factor in the same way LMP due date works? Cause technically you're two weeks behind based off LMP. So I'm more like 9weeks? Still that is almost a 3 week difference...

We dont get ultrasounds until 20 weeks. And this is the first appt I'll be going to next week.

Idk what to say to my dr. She goes off if LMP, and I'm.assuming she will until I go for the ultrasound 😤 shes weird like that.

I'm literally in walking distance of our clinic so I dont wanna have to drive over 30 min to see someone else. I went to her first pregnancy but my cycles were textbook then.ugh.

So I'm due anywhere from Aug.30 - sept.16 ish. Help 😭