UPDATE: Scared for ultrasound tomorrow


I had my first ultrasound first thing this morning. Baby is measuring 8 days behind and has very little amniotic fluid around him/her. They also found a pretty good sized bleed next to where baby implanted. Our doctor came in and said to continue the progesterone and labs at this point wouldn't really tell us anything we don't already know. We got to see and hear babies little heart flicker and heartbeat. She said the good, there is a baby and a heartbeat, the bad, we are far from being in the clear. I wish I would have gotten a video of the heartbeat but I didn't know any of this until after the scan. I will be scanned every week until things start looking better. Positive thoughts and prayers are always welcome. Pictures Below.

I'm really nervous and scared for my ultrasound tomorrow. My progesterone was 5.3 at 7 weeks 2 days and my hcg 6000. My doctor started me on progesterone but I'm still so nervous. 😔 I have been cramping but no bleeding. Thankfully it's first thing in the morning so I don't have to wait all day.