Advice ??!! 😣😖

Lately I been feeling down & a little overwhelmed about things going on in my life . 😕 trying to find the right stable job leaving my so that I’m with right now because of his dishonesty & him looking at other females . 🥺 I’ve tried to work with my so about his habits but it’s like he changes but then goes back to his old ways today I found myself very lonely with no one to talk to about things I felt inside even tried to go to my mother but my mothers an alcoholic who doesnt know when to stop sad thing is I tried to go to her in this morning when I could catch her in a sober state of mind but joke was on me because she was definitely drunk I just feel I can’t trust my own boyfriend nor family nearly giving up and losing the strength that I once had since 17 I been pretty much on my own fending for myself & my boyfriend wouldn’t get half of what I went thru because has good parents who sheltered him and he wouldnt know the first thing about life in my opinion but I thought since he was older I might have been wrong .

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