Don’t love my baby

Stephanie • Married 2 years, 4 baby losses. Jun 2017, chemical. Dec 2017, missed miscarriage. Jul 2018, ectopic, lost left tube. Nov 2018, missed miscarriage.

I tried so hard to have this baby (had 4 baby losses), but he’s so hard. All he does is cry when he’s awake, I get anxiety about him waking up and nighttime and when my husband has to go to work. I miss life when it was just the two of us. I’m not sure what to do. He hardly wants to sleep. He’s 6 weeks, and I hear it’ll get better but I’m scared it never will and I’ll never feel that bond. Does anyone else feel this way? Did it get better for you?

*thank you everyone for the support and feedback to know that I’m not alone and it does get better.

**update at 11 weeks (5 weeks after this post), in case this helps anyone who may find this post because they’re feeling the same way I did as a new mama. Everyone was right, it does and did get better, SOOO much better. I can’t believe I ever even felt this way. He’s such a bundle of joy now, it’s sooo exciting seeing him change everyday. If you’re going thru newborn life, hang in there, it gets better. He still cries and still wakes up 2-3 times a night, but we are getting to know each other more and I love him more and more everyday.

Seek help if you need to though. 💗