Someone takes picture of your kid?


Just saw a post about would you delete a picture if caught up someone’s kid on it and they asked to delete it. Which made me remember one situation.

What would you do if someone tried to photo/video tape your kid on purpose on their phone and you caught him/her doing it. Would you ask em to delete, or stop doing it or call cops mb? What do u supposed to do in such situations anyways?

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Posted at
I'd start videoing them back and ask them what they were doing.. if they ran or didn't delete the footage I would give my video top the police.. there's a difference between being in the background of something and being the subject...


Emily • Feb 5, 2020
Classic 😂 thanks for the tip


Jessizu • Feb 5, 2020
It's in the rules for this group.. some people would post toxic things and be on anon to troll the group


Emily • Feb 5, 2020
Thx. But why would it be deleted tho?


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Im throwing hands idc.


id • Feb 5, 2020


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I can think of situations where i would care and situations when i couldn't care. If my 3 year old is in public being the little songbird that he is and is singing his favorite Beatles song at the top of his lungs and some stranger started to record it because this is clearly cute/ funny then i probably wouldn't make a fuss. But if a stranger was recording him for zero apparent reason to me, my first thought would be, "this person is a predator and i need to call the cops". I would likely call the cops without warning to the offender.


Posted at
If it was clear they were taking photos or videos just of my child (and it wasn’t my kid in the background just by chance) I would definitely confront them and ask them to delete the photos because it’s just plain creepy to take pictures of kids you don’t know.. I would assume the worst and act accordingly. If it was another parent with their child and my child was playing with theirs or by theirs I wouldn’t be bothered by it


Posted at
This topic brings out the creepy people who live their lives through Facebook. So many people defended not censoring the kids in the background of photos it was insane. I even mentioned how some people are running from domestic violence and don’t want to be tracked down and SO MANY PEOPLE here said “not my problem, homeschool if it’s that bad”So yeah if I came across one of those in public taking photos of my kid to post online and tag and be a weirdo, it’s going to be bad thanks to this app


Ariel • Feb 5, 2020
It's so sad how many people don't give a crap about other people's lives. It makes me so sad.


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Nothing to be done if your in public. You can ask them to delete it but they aren’t legally obligated to.


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Pick up my kid and walk away. Call the non emergency line and let them know that and someone is INTENTIONALLY taking pictures of random children in parks.


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I would scoop up my child, and start videoing them, whilst asking them what their intentions were. Confronting someone definitely isn’t always safe though. If there were plenty of other people around to witness I wouldn’t be scared to ask, but say they were the only ones there, I wouldn’t risk my safety or my child’s. I would just contact police with the proof.


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It’s the teacher in me but when we got to events with other kids I will go out of my way to make sure it’s taken at an angle without other children in it. It would bother me but I wouldn’t say anything to someone who took a picture of my kid unless I felt they were clearly trying to take a picture of just him. Too much trafficking, social media exposure, and data sharing happening at the moment for me. I completely see why someone would be upset 🤷‍♀️ Would I really throw a fit about it? No. If a parent came to me and was bothered enough to ask me to delete it, I absolutely would. If it was that big of a deal where they wanted it deleted and I wanted the picture of my kid, I would edit it in front of them and delete the original so they could see me doing it. Why do we have to take sides on everything?


Posted at
Wow. Y'all are something. If I'm videoing, or taking pictures, of MY kids and your kid somehow ends up in the picture and you come over and demand that I delete lictures/videos of MY kids there will be problems.
Wow. Y'all are something. If I'm videoing, or taking pictures, of MY kids and your kid somehow ends up in the picture and you come over and demand that I delete lictures/videos of MY kids there will be problems.