Did any moms have a ton of ultrasounds? Advice needed.

I am 16 weeks with my rainbow baby I had a miscarriage last year baby stopped developing so I’m constantly worried. and so far I’ve had 10 ultrasounds..

I found out I had a SCH at 6weeks (bleeding) so i had a ultrasound at 6,7,9 weeks to monitor. Then I had a private scan done at 10 weeks at 10.5 weeks I started spotting so I was seen and they preformed another ultrasound. At 12 weeks I went and had a ultrasound done for peace of mind. Then at 13 weeks my doctor saw me and couldn’t find babies hb so she did a ultrasound and took measurements. Around 14 weeks I went and had a sneak peak scan so I could figure out her gender.

I also bought one of those home dopplers and I was unable to find babies heartbeat so I instantly feared the worst. I went in and had a ultrasound done baby was fine.

And at 16 weeks I went again to check on baby. So In total 10. Now I know there is mixed opinions and my doctor told me they weren’t harmful and I told him we were doing some private scans he wasn’t worried and she has been doing great she always measuring on track but doing my reading online I found articles about how 2 is generally normal and they haven’t found risk but some say it can cause issues with the baby so I literally broke down crying after reading that because I feel like I shouldn’t have gone in so many times to the doctors and gotten scanned. Especially the few elective scans I did just to check on her. I feel like a horrible mom and I’m worried now I affected my baby. I’ve been cleared from high risk so I have my babies anatomy scan in 2 weeks and then he said I’ll have another at 25 weeks to check fluids and one at 30 weeks before delivery and that will be all. So in total will be around 13 ultrasounds for my pregnancy. I’m not having the elective ultrasounds done anything after reading the article for unnecessary scanning. But if anyone could help ease my mind with the whole ultrasounds being dangerous. Like someone had said it can cause autism or brain issues. So i feel like such a failure and wish I would’ve read more into the risk of ultrasounds. I’m not looking for judgement as I realise my flaws just looking for someone who has been through the same and if there baby came out healthy thank you.