So frustrated



Venting a little here. Anyone else just over it? I'm always uncomfortable, I can't get any good sleep, I have zero energy, and every little thing is just so annoying to me. I'll be 36 weeks tomorrow and I just want to be done.

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Posted at
Ughhhhh I’m so over it and relieved to hear others say the same. I wake up every 45 minutes at night to change positions due to muscle strain, I’m a walking Braxton Hicks contraction that never ends (OB said it’s totally normal), my toddler wants to be carried everywhere but I can barely get to standing position, oh and the fatigue, weight gain and constipationnnnnnnn. Our first came at 36 weeks and 5 days. Crossing my fingers this guy follows suit.


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Yes. I am so over it. Just had to order special compression socks for leg and ankle swelling. My legs just feel uncomfortable. The building I work in is huge and I just dread going to work every day now because it is so far too walk anywhere and I'm so uncomfortable.


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YEP. Have been scheduling so I can take a nap halfway through the work day just to make it to the end of the day. I am not sure my stomach can stretch anymore and my poor hips can't handle it much longer. My poor 2 year old wants to play hide and seek and it's the most boring game ever since mommy takes forever to get anywhere.


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Nope. Happy to stay pregnant another 5-7 weeks. (35weeks atm) My first newborn gave me ptsd for the newborn stage, despite my second being decently “ easy “, I know that a newborn can be worse then how I’m feeling now and will be feeling in another month. Fingers crossed for a baby that sleeps and eats like they are “supposed” to.


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Yes! I have excess fluid so I’m measuring 7 weeks ahead. I’m 33 weeks but belly is as big as 40 weeks and I still have 7 more weeks for this belly to get bigger, and I already feel miserable!


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Yes! And I got diagnosed with bronchitis and the flu this week. It’s been awful. Blehh


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Yup!! 36 weeks on Friday. On top of it my kids are sick so I’m dying!!