Swollen Vagina


Okay so this might be TMI but here it goes , so I’ve been battling a yeast infection for about 3 weeks now which I feel like it leaves and then come back due to idk what but today I made the worst mistake possible and as I got out my shower I started to itch so I use my cortizone 10 famine itch but it started burning so I wiped it off with a hot cloth and as I was wiping it was itching so rinsed my towel and basically started rubbing my towel wherever it was itching (wrong idea) because next thing I know I’m itching over and over again and the only thing relieving it is the rubbing of the towel now it burns when I pee and my lips are swolllllllen like crazy and I can barely close my legs! I have an over the counter prescription I’m going to put in the morning but I’m just wondering am I good as long as it’s calmed down through the night until tomorrow or should I go to the E.R?