Please, be kind.

I work with people 24/7 for my job. It’s at a bank and interaction is short, but I am always kind. This lady came today that was hateful from the moment she came in. I asked her if she wanted something shredded or returned (some want it shredded so I always ask) and her response was to treat me like I was stupid. “Uh....yeahhh! How else am I supposed to mail it?!?” So I give it back, finish her needs, and wish her a great day.

I step away after I’m finished helping her because her attitude was awful and I just wanted to step away for a moment. I come back a moment later and she is still there. “Oh, anything else today?” She, raising her voice at me, “you have to take this back so I can leave!!” Her receipt. That...she....asked...for...

She then rolls her eyes at me, makes a noise of disgust, and storms out.

I am luckily, most everyone I work with is kind. This woman though. I thought, “maybe she is having a bad day.” Nope, according to my coworker, she is like that EVERYTIME she comes in.

I took a moment to compose myself afterward because I was so caught off guard by this woman. In the future I will know who she is and how to handle her, but please don’t be this woman. Please always be kind. No matter what is happening in your life. Otherwise, you may have a “easily triggered” or “abusive to members” note on your account at your bank.

We do our best to warn our coworkers of these people....