Birth at 37w6d

Alex • AZ🌵 Married, momma of 2, expecting 🤰🏻❤️

Our baby girl made her appearance today at 8:05 am 💗 I went in yesterday evening with some mild contractions and already at 5cm dilated. They checked my fluid levels and determined levels were low! So they admitted me and started pitocin around 7:30pm I labored until around 7:30am when doctor came in to check me (I was at 6cm) and we decided for her to break my water, after that, contractions really came in. I went from 6cm to 10cm in about 30 minutes and baby came after pushing 1 time! No epidural. She has some bruising on her face and arm due to the fastness in which she was delivered! We’re so in love with our baby girl,

Layla. 😍 7 1/2 pounds, 19 1/2 inches long!