Pushed for 14 minutes!!!


We went in at 7:00 on Thursday night. By 9:00 I was contracting every

5-8 minutes and 3 cm. At 9:45 they put in the cervidal. At 10:00 am on Friday they took the cervidal out. I was 3-4 cm. They started pitocin. By noon I was 4-5 cm and my contractions were a few minutes apart and strong. I got an epidural at 12:30 which allowed me to nap. They broke my water at 3:00. I was 5 cm. Contractions got stronger, mostly pressure. At 5:40 I was 7 cm. The doctor said to wait until I was further along. But the contractions were getting stronger. The nurse emptied my bladder and I felt so much pressure. I told them I really had to push. They checked again and said the rim of my cervix still wasn’t ready but I was 9 cm. So I started pushing and the dr tried to physically push my cervix open. She was able to open it and I started really pushing. I pushed from 6:15 to 6:29. It burned like hell but it was over quick. I only had a 2nd degree tear. He was 9 lbs exactly and 21 1/4. His name is Jack Paul and we are in love!