Moving in together

My boyfriend keeps hinting at moving in together, we only been together for almost a year. We’re both 23 years old, we live in nyc so rent is crazy expensive. We both live with out parent respectively, and because of family drama he looking to move. Essentially it’s impossible to live on your own unless you rent a room or make decent money. He’s in the process of looking for places with his friends but he keeps hinting at the idea of us living together instead. I’ve already told him I don’t wanna play house , and my sister has advised me not to. But I would like to know other peoples views about living with a partner. We definitely love each other and see each other in our future. I love him a lot and dream about about being together all the time but I don’t want us to take care that leap and regret it. When is the best time to live with a s/o/‘