Trichomoniasis or yeast infection?

If you’ve had Trichomoniasis what were your symptoms? I’m nervous i’ve caught it from the guy I’ve been seeing. Last week i felt i had a yeast infection and took one dose of monistat (didn’t complete all three days 🤦🏼‍♀️) my symptoms went away but now it’s come back... but now the discharge looks different like whitish/yellow and *sometimes* a teeny tiny greenish tint when i wipe and I’m so worried it’s not just a yeast infection 😭 so i googled and came across Trichomoniasis. There’s no odor... but with this color, I’m thinking that’s what i could have... otherwise a yeast infection with yellow discharge? Idk. I don’t have health insurance and I’m not sure what to do 😣