I've been making a lot of posts lately, okay not a lot but a lot for me. 2 to be exact (I know πŸ™„ I suck).

Anyways, I made a post last week about having horribly smelling, like rotting smell, in my downstairs. No other symptoms though. I ended up going to the doctor, and to my suprise tested negative for infection, so now I'm waiting to go get an ultrasound to see what's going on. I also tried yeast infection treatment prior to this and it did nothing.

It's been 2 weeks and it still smells horribly rotten, no other symptoms but some grey/brown discharge. Anyone else hear about/experience this?

You guys... what the heck is going on?

And yessss I have been tested for STDs so has my husband, we are clean.

Update: yes I've also been tested for BV, came back negative πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ