A girl! And she LIKE likes me!


I’ve only written on here a few times, the last one was me telling y’all about my crush ending up being straight (✊🏻😪 rip in peace my heart) but now! I’m talking to this girl over twitter and she’s so pretty and artistic and has a PET RAT! And is suPER gay (we’ve been HEAVILY flirting the past few days) the only problem is that she lives 12 hours away😭 there’s always a catch,,, idk I doubt this will go anywhere but it feels really nice to have a crush again(? I’ve never said that before oh my god) wow ok that’s it. I’m just really twitterpated or I guess you could say,,,, TWITTERpated 😂😂 that was so bad I’m sorry lmao. But ya! I’m happy and it’s crazy to think someone likes me oof.

And the gif to match haha