Flu? Cold? Something more serious?

Sasha • 22 year old girl living life

Okie so last night i went out to support a friend in her choir concert but when we got to the church the doors were locked so we had to wait outside for 30-45 mins in freezing cold weather... my legs were stiff and dying. We were finally let in and the concert went on. Now... two hours later it ends and she decides to take us to mcdonalds (i didnt eat anything there at this point) a couple minutes go by sitting there and i have to run to a bathroom because all of a sudden i have diarrhea. Not fun. Then i start to feel light headed and began to feel nauseous so i went back to the bathroom to see if i had to throw up... didnt but definitely had more diarrhea. I just felt super weak and super tired the rest of the night so i had a small burger thinking maybe it’s the fact i hadnt eaten food in 8 hours. Didnt help anything. On top of that... i had the CHILLS like i felt like i was back outside kind of chills since the first run to the bathroom that i sat in mcdonalds in my winter coat the whole time.

Fast forward....

I get home afterwards, change into something comfy and snuggle up in my warm blanket... still feeling weak, cold, tired. I then fell asleep around 2am. Around 4am i woke up with a sharp pain just under my left breast and i mean SHARP like bawling my eyes out kind of pain that did not stop for a whole hour and i was super HOT! I felt so hot i had to try to get through the pain to get some water. I then felt more nauseous. Now it’s about 5:30am... the pain is kind of going between severe and mild based on my position and my question is this....

Could it simply be me getting a basic cold or flu?

Is it weird that this all happened two hours after being outside in the cold for so long? Does that have an impact on your health?

I’m suppose to get my period in 3 days... could that be a big part?

Is this a cause to see a doctor or seem like something i can take care of with meds and rest?