Miserable ☹️🤕


my birthday was this past friday and my family took me out to eat. i live with my older cousin and that night when we got home, she started coughing and throwing up if she coughs too hard. saturday morning she goes to the hospital and they told her she has the flu symptoms but she has an upper respiratory infection.

saturday i start coughing and by sunday night i was throwing up with every strong cough after i ate dinner and on to the wee hours of the morning. i go to the doctor to find out i have the same thing as my cousin and the doctor told me that if i keep throwing all my food up by tuesday i have to go to the hospital. i can keep fluids down but not so much food.

i get home and eat some soup, threw it back up and then waited a while til i got hungry and ate a pb&j and some apple slices. i threw up a little bit and then i went to sleep and slept the whole day.

has anyone dealt with this while pregnant? i feel like shit but baby girl is moving just fine so i’m assuming she’s okay.