I Haven't Gotten My Period In 6 Months


I began getting periods at 14 years old and ever since then they've been extremely irregular. The last time I got my period was 6 Months ago in August... I've went to the doctors about this and I was checked for cists and they didnt find any and all they did was prescribe me birth control which I took for about 3 years until I started getting worried about it causing damage to my body. Im not sure why doctors dont try to look for the root cause instead of just prescribing birth control which can cause more issues in itself...

If anyone has had this issue and figured out what was causing it/what helped I would love to know. I want to know any possible natural ways that could help regulate it, I've heard about vitamin deficiencies being a probable cause but I'm not sure. It worries me that I won't be able to have children or something of the sort.