Doctor bullsh*t

So I just found out about 4 weeks ago I’m pregnant and I’ve been trying to get into my doctor for a scan ASAP because I have had 2 past miscarriages. I wanted to see the same doctor I saw when I was pregnant with my son she delivered him and was great, but since I had him 3 years ago the office and people have become so rude. I’ve always requested a female doctor (I don’t want negative comments about it it’s my decision and I feel like it’s up to the mother and no one else’s opinion matters) it’s even in my notes which if they couldn’t accommodate me why would they put that information in my notes in the first place and when I was pregnant with my son it was NEVER an issue. Well this time around I’ve left 2 out of 3 appointments because they have switched my doctor without informing me and this last time I spoke up and told the doctor I was sorry but I wasn’t comfortable with a male and he put his hand 🖐🏻 in my face to stop me from talking and said “BYE” and after I made a complaint to the office about how rudely he treated me and how disrespectful I thought he was the office manager called me and they have decided to drop me as a patient. Just because I spoke out about how I was feeling. WHAT THE F*CK?! I am appalled at their behavior and how they have treated me. Has anyone else ever been dropped as a patient before? Am I just annoyed because I’m pregnant lol or are my feelings justified