Birth story... finally💙 Greyson Andrew Dye 9/16/2019
So I’m finally getting around to getting on here and telling my birth story... so here it goes. ( it’s a bit long)
My 37 week checkup I go to my appointment and get a ultrasound and the doctor tells me I have IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction). They tell me he is in the 5th percentile and that we are having baby Monday which made me 37+6. I go in Sunday night and get bloodwork and start my first round of cytotec around 12AM. Around 3AM I receive another dose of cytotec. All night I toss and turn trying to get comfortable and each time the nurses have to come and re adjust my monitor because it would quit picking up Greyson’s heartbeat. 7 AM I receive another cytotec and I’m dilated to 1, they tell me the doctor will be breaking waters at 9AM. The time comes to break my water( I was nervous because I thought it was going to hurt but it wasn’t bad) and I was 3cm when water was broke. I start getting contractions which are about mild in pain but are very uncomfortable and as I am having contractions in certain positions Greyson’s heartbeat gets low so they insert a Internal fetal heart rate monitor. I have contractions for about 3hours and when they come to check me again I am still only dilated to 3cm. They ask me if I want epidural since the anesthesiologist was making his rounds so I agree. 12PM I receive my epidural( I made sure to tell him I have a slight bit of scoliosis because I had read stories of the epidural wearing off and only working on one side). I wait about 25 mins for it to take effect. They then insert a catheter and put oxygen on me saying that after the epidural sometimes your blood pressure and oxygen can drop. It doesn’t so they remove the oxygen. I start getting relief and can rest for a min. After about and 1hr-1 1/2 I start to feel dull contractions on my left side in the lower back, ofcourse my epidural starts wearing off on one side. They were going to put me on the pit if I didn’t start dilating after the epidural. Contractions start getting more and more painful. Around 1-2PM I’m checked and I’m 7 or 8cm, at this point I’m hurting pretty bad and tell the nurses I am feeling the contractions on one side hoping they would give me something but they don’t and I can also still move my legs alittle. They then start me on the peanut ball, side to side. Around 2:45 I start feeling pressure like I need to poop and call the nurses, they check me and I am 10cm. I start pushing. I got so sleepy that last little bit, I literally could not keep my eyes open. I’d push then rest, it took me a few tries to push the right way. Everytime i would push and take a break my boyfriend would walk over to the couch and sit down and I’d ask if he was okay( he told me later on that he thought he was going to pass out lol) after 45 mins pushing Greyson Andrew Dye came into the world at 3:33 PM. He weighed 6lbs .05oz and was 18 1/2 inches long.

After he came out his poor little head was so bruised and you can see where the Internal fetal heart rate monitor was( if I had known how it was done by prongs going into his head I would have told them to just give me a csection)

He is now almost 5month old and is such a chunky monkey💙

That’s my birth story, it’s took me 5 months to tell it but I’m glad I finally got to share it and hopefully it helps the lovely ladies about to go through the journey soon, I know I loved reading birth stories before i had my baby.
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