I didn’t think I’d feel this much

Dequala • Child of god. Wife. Mother of two queens in the making 🥰

Emotion.. I prayed and prayed hard for a VBAC i kept positive and as calm as i could with no expectation, i stayed calm even when a repeat c section was mentioned after i had gotten so far in labor already ... everything happened so fast and before i knew it 7 pushes and my beautiful 2nd baby girl was here on 2/5/20 @4:19am original due date 1/29/2020...

It’s been a week and i still feel so emotional about my experience. I cry, happy tears every time i look at my kids i feel so BLESSED, so GRATEFUL, so STRONG, so POWERFUL!

My husband was so amazing, my god i love that man! He’s been so patient and caring and helpful i don’t know how to thank him 😭❤️ i love our family we’ve created , i love being a wife and mom i just feel lots of joy that’s all.. thanks for reading 🥰 i pray everyone has a safe delivery in these upcoming weeks/months .. stay blessed.