I know I’m SOL

But I pay a ton of money for daycare. I expect when I have a perfectly healthy well behaved toddler that I can rely on them. There policy is 3 loose bowel movements and the kid needs to go home ( I have a kid who has always had loose bowel movements) they know it. I know it’s hard to decipher a stomach bug vs loose bm but there a difference. The daycare called and said despite it being policy that a kid has to have 3 loose policy they are breaking that policy and just any the kid has a loose bm to be picked and can not return 48 hrs later.

My child is fine, he’s crazy he’s healthy and hasn’t had a bowel movement since. It’s not a private daycare it’s a town public daycare that I pay a ton to go too and rely on them. I can not miss work I’ll lose my job, my husband can not miss to much work either. After 5 sick days they can fire you. I’m okay if my child is sick picking him up but I can’t waste sick days just because. I was wondering if I had any rights. My mil called out of work but should she have too?

Also we told them he has loose bowel movements with a apple juice something he had today and they still offer it to him.