Chest X-ray 28 weeks


Hey guys. I’m kinda freaking out. I’m 28w tomorrow. On Tuesday I had an appointment with my doctor because I was having really bad asthma. I’ve had asthma my entire life and it hadn’t effect my pregnancy until now. They think I could have had a cold or something that effected my asthma. They gave me a steroid shot and some oral steroids to help my lungs. And I do feel a major improvement. My breathing is easier, I don’t feel my chest as tight. I was coughing up a greenish yellow mucus, but now that is down to once a day or so. I’ve also been taking 4 breathing treatments a day, as told by my doctor. But I am supposed to call tomorrow and give an update on how I’m feeling. If my doctor thinks I need a chest X-ray she will order it tomorrow to check for pneumonia. I personally don’t feel like I have pneumonia I just feel like I’m having asthma. I guess my question is, has anyone had a chest X-ray during pregnancy? I’ve always heard it’s unsafe. I’ve read some articles online about it being deemed safe now. But I’m still terrified. Please help.