Feeling like a failure when ttc


Sorry its a bit of a long lost and didnt know where i should post it.

I kept feeling like a failure because my body couldn't do what it naturally should have been able to do.

Month after month aunt flow showed up like clockwork. I wondered why I should even bother with the bloodtest.

That first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> I told the receptionist "but I started my period this morning" and she smiled at me and told me "oh honey never mind about that it's not over til you get the blood results" I felt hopeful. Results came back I was "on the line between pregnant and not" it was still a positive though and then 2 days later i went back "I'm sorry it was negative good luck this next try" instant heartbreak I cried so much but she was right inhadnmoee attempts left it was only the start of my journey . Next month 2 viable eggs so i had to pass i cant risk multiple births due to havinv a unicornuate uterus I feel defeated but hey I still have 2 more <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> chances. Second <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> was negative I cried again. Next month I ovulated early we totally missed our chance next month after that we have our final <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> if it works I can tell my mom on her birthday Dec 20th but once again luck was not with us and it was negative again. We had a 2 month break my next consultation was Jan 16th I notice I am ovulating earlier and earlier I caught ovulation 2 weeks later that snot like cm shows up and it is tinted with blood a week later no period I wait 3 days then test it's negative 2 days later test both new tests are also negative today according to glow I am 6 days late got bloodtest i have a low positive Monday I go back to retest. I cried so much getting the news , I am so happy and scared and really want other women to know it can and will happen for you Too! I believe it after all I finally managed to get pregnant .