Cant make it any more


I am here on my bed... feeling all useslees and unworthy.

I keep on crying and blaming myself for being this useless.

I dont have enough milk supply for my baby and i feel so much guilt. I am drinking tons of water and other liquids, herbal tea, and eating all healthy and consistent just to produce milk for my LO. But this is making me depressed and i barely make any milk. My left boob got infection and hurts alot and i cry when i pump.. and currently taking antibiotic for the infection. While my right side is all healthy but produces little milk.... why am i this useless. Why my body doesn't make this BLOODY MILK ???

I feel so much guil when i give my baby forumla. I know its not a poison and its all ok but still feel alot of guilt.

Please i just need some encouraging kind words. This may sound silly and i am sorry for that but i am really lost. (22 days postpartum) thank you.