Can you REALLY get pregnant at any time of the month?

(First of all, we are not TTC. However, we have both discussed and agreed that if something crazy happens, having a surprise baby will be just fine.)

I track my ovulation vigorously. I even use ovulation tests. I do BBT and CM monitoring. Suffice to say, I know exactly when I ovulate each month, and I know exactly when my period is due. Thankfully I have very regular cycles so these methods have been foolproof so far.

We use condoms within 6 days before ovulation, and 2 days after. The rest of the time, we go unprotected. We haven't had any reason to be worry about a surprise bundle of joy.

But lately, I've been seeing all these "OMG AM I PREGNANT!?" posts on Glow lately, and there are MANY women on here saying that it's possible to get pregnant at any point in your cycle. I don't see how this is possible, unless you're unaware of your ovulation date or aren't aware of how long sperm lives in your body/how long an egg is viable.

Is it really true? If so, how on earth does that happen? All the studies I've read, it's only possible during your fertile window.

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