High hcg should I be worried?

I’m sorry this is probably really stupid...

Due to past miscarriages, my Dr is monitoring my hcg. The levels seem very high, like above the ‘weeks range’ provided.

12dpo. 146

4w2d. 760

4w5d. 2999

5w2d. 13330

5w5d. 29500

3 weeks- 5-50

4 weeks- 5-426

5 weeks- 18-7340

6 weeks- 1080-56500

I’m confident of when I ovulated, confirmed with both OPKs and temps.

Of course when I googled I start finding things about Down’s syndrome (which won’t change the love and desire I have for this baby). Just wondering if this is ok? There is no history of twins so not thinking that’s possible. No pain or spotting or any signs things are wrong.

I guess I’m looking for reassurance after 2 miscarriages.