Anyone induced with pitocin and no epidural?

Sarah • Due Feb ❤️💕

My plan was to have no pitocin this time around but looking as they plan to induce me wed without the use of cervical ripener or whichever, just starting pitocin i guess im just doomed to have it.

My first birth had pitocin and whether the epidural failed or not it was so painful. I believed it was because of the pitocin.

My second baby was induced but never got the pitocin cause my body did its thing and went way fast and I also made it without epidural as it was only unbearable the last hr.

So i have no clue if this time is going to be overly painful and I wont be able to go without an epidural.

Anyone have experience about this? Feeling sad and down that my experience will be way more painful and cannot go without epidural.