my bf didnt get me even a card..

Iesha • 26

im 35 weeks tomorrow with our second.. a lot went down & wed broke up for like a year & a half so this is our first valentines day back together . id mentioned not going anywhere because we didnt have a sitter for our 3 yr old but i never said i wasnt gonna get him a gift. im not a materialistic person . i just want the acknowledgement of i love you & appreciate you today & everyday type or gesture..

me thinking this was gonna be a big day id bought him some new dress shoes he’d been talking about & make fresh chocolate covered strawberries for the first time plus its cheaper than an edible arrangement. just for him to come in an hour & half late from work with nothing & an “oh i thought you said we werent doing anything” .. you couldnt even get me a card tf ? & he knows i make big deals out of holidays so why would this be any different?? so im just really down on myself.

i often feel inadequate on the regular bases & this just put me over the edge that im doing all this things for you & get no type of sense you appreciate it one bit.

we havent had sex in almost 2 months & that makes me feel so ugly .. he doesnt show any affection so that makes it even worse . im just over being pregnant and emotional because i cant even say half of this to him without fully breaking down..

if you made it this far your a star,

sorry for my rant.. happy vday mamas.