Irregular cycles, blood work


So, im plus size. Had a perfectly simple time conceiving my first daughter. and a totally healthy pregnancy. She is about to be 4 years old.

I had an ectopic pregnancy about 2years ago😔

My cycles now typically range 32- 42 days. I know thats a huge difference, but its something i use as a guideline. Obviously obvulation is all over the place. Cd-20 to cd-30 ish. Ive been using pregmate opks.

Im currently on CD 55. Stopped opk testing 2+ weeks ago cause i said fuck that. Not wasting them on a pretty obvious annovulatory cycle.

I had a dr appointment today where they drew some blood and took a urine sample. Got the typical std check. They are also giving me a beta hcg screen, checking prolactin levels and fsh( follicle stimulating hormone) levels.

Anyone in a similar spot as me? would love to hear how things work for you.

We are ordering a device called ovusense to use next cycle. id love to hear stories on using it!