High thyroid please read!


So I went in for some blood work on the 12th of this month for my Obgyn she called me today and told me I had high thyroid to see my primary care dr that it’s the cause on why I’m having such a hard time conceiving. She called me around 9am on Valentine’s Day and I had been so upset all day over it because me and my husband have been trying so hard to ttc. She told me that if I ended up pregnant and not taking medicine for it then I could be marked as a high risk pregnancy because having high thyroid can easily cause miscarriages. As I had one last year. So that could explain. I just want a baby so so bad that I’m honestly willing to try anything as long as that means me and my husband having a baby... have any of you ladies had high thyroid and still ended up having healthy babies? I’m extremely nervous about it. My dad had thyroid cancer and my mom had a high thyroid as well. So I’m definitely getting things checked and getting the medicine to help. Please share your stories with me..
