5 to 10 cm in 10 minutes! 😱


I started at 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced on the night of Feb 13th when I went in for my scheduled induction. Cervadil was placed at 10:00pm and came out at 6:00am. Started contracting on my own around 4:30am though. Dilated to 1 1/2 and 70% effaced. Pitocin started around 7:30am doctor broke my water at 8:00am. Used the peanut ball until 10:30am and got to 3cm & 80% effaced. Got an epidural at 10:30am. Labor stalled despite increasing Pitocin and I stayed at 3cm & 80% until 1:45. Decided to sit straight up in bed to hopefully help baby descend. Finally dilated to 4cm at 2:00pm and started to be able to feel pain during my contractions, but nothing unbearable. At this point my contractions picked up and were back to back with no time to rest in between, so pitocin was turned down. Got checked at 2:40pm and was dilated to 5cm. Out of nowhere, I started feeling excruciating pain down low by my cervix and was on the verge of screaming. My nurse checked me again at 2:50pm and I was 10cm! My doctor wasn’t even at the hospital yet because I was progressing so slow, and I still have no idea how she made it in time. I tried my best to breathe through the pain while people flooded in to set everything up and my doctor showed up. I quickly got my legs up in the stirrups and pushed once. My daughter came out at 3:00pm on the dot on Valentines Day.No tearing or stitches. This was my second baby and labor lasted a total of 7 1/2 hours. 🙏🏼