me out 👋🏻


So I would like to transition my son from our bed... we are currently bed sharing it’s easier because I’m breastfeeding. I feel like maybe he would sleep better in his own bed because he wakes up sometimes due to my fiancé’s snoring. My question is he’s gotten so used to my mattress that when I try and lay him in his crib for his naps he knows the difference and seems uncomfortable because it’s slightly firmer than mine.

Question 1 - can I switch his mattress sides.. like flip it from the size 0-12 to the 12+ ?

Question 2 - do I leave his mattress flat or do I need to add a wedge under the mattress to have it inclined a little ?

I’m asking because sister in law said we need to incline it...I’ve never heard of that before so i just want to make sure I’m doing the right thing

😊 thanks in advance mamas!