Are coos sexist when giving speeding tickets


I got pulled over last week for speeding and received a ticket right away. I haven't got pulled over since high school.

My husband has been pulled over 5+ times since we've been together and has only gotten one ticket. When he was pulled over in the spot that I was pulled over in the officer just told us that the tires where too big for the car and the speedometer was not showing his true peed and was just told to slow down

Today I was telling my boss about my ticket and he said he was caught going 40 over in the same area I was pulled over in by air craft patrol and the ground cop saw fire gear in the back seat and put the wrong color of car on the ticket so he could go to court and get it thrown out.

I get pulled over once in the past 5 years and automatically get a ticket.

Does not seem fair at all.

(I'm not denying that I shouldn't have got a ticket. I was obviously speeding. It just bothers me that men can get our it way easier than woman.)

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