Let’s play a game if pregnant or paranoid 🤣

So my bf and I aren’t really actively trying to get pregnant (no tracking my cycle or anything) we just want it to happen naturally, and take the stress out of it and be surprised. that being said idk if I’m the only one who went this route and then every month feel like I’m gonna be pregnant LMAO. so we use the pull out method mostly but I think maybe one time in the last month he didn’t pull out. I am supposed to start my period in one day and I have my usual PMS symptoms- fatigue, sore boobs, cravings for sweets. But idk if I’m paranoid but a few weird things did happen. I sleep with a diffuser by my bed where I’ll do peppermint or lavender essential oils every night before going to sleep, and last night when my bf got it started up I smelt a BURNT nasty smell so bad I had to turn it off. Funny thing is he said it smelt COMPLETELY FINE. I also smelt tequila so overwhelming in the kitchen, and he thought I was crazy because it was from a shot glass sitting by the sink from a few days prior that wasn’t rinsed out. But my reaction was as if we put tequila oil in the diffuser. When asking my mother she said for every woman in my family we didn’t have morning sickness we had aversions to smells so that’s odd. Also, I don’t like split pea soup I’ve never ordered it never bought it, I can TOLERATE it at best and for lunch the other day I all of a sudden was CRAVING split pea soup specifically and ordered it for lunch. My PMS cravings are usually always sweets only. So does anyone think this sounds like something or is this just the paranoia of not being on birth control 🤣 I’m gonna take a test in a week if my period doesn’t come so I guess I’ll update then!