
Jules • Trying to conceive baby #2!

Why are boundaries so difficult for some people during weddings or babies etc? I have found through the celebration of our marriage and pregnancy that people think it’s about them. I’m getting so miffed hearing people say “well you need to invite them or their feelings will be hurt” or “you didn’t tell us the baby name directly so our feelings were hurt” like wtf. I have tons of family and friends and I cannot as a human being manage how everyone is going to react to every little thing. I’m so tired of it. I’m 8 months pregnant (almost) and just want people to respect me. I’m so emotional so hormonal and people are just being friken rude even when I’m direct her polite.

It is not my responsibility or obligation to text people individually the baby name we have chosen. If I want to post something on Facebook I’m more than freaking welcome to.

I don’t know how people can take two beautiful things



And sour it so badly and make it about them. I would NEVER do that to someone.

I need prayers. I have a poison inside of me that I need to give over to God. But I need to get it out of me too and I feel like I have no one to talk to because either the ones I would normally talk to are the ones who are hurt OR I’ve really overwhelmed some people with all this drama and don’t want to burn a bridge by venting so much.

Is anyone struggling with boundaries during their pregnancy?